Self Driving Car

5 Things Self Driving Cars Consider Before Changing Lanes

Changing lanes while driving is a simple duty for humans, but a well-executed plan for self-driving cars.

Humans use muscle memory and self-judgment to determine when to steer left or right, but cars programmed with Artificial Intelligence (AI) use extensive programming, cameras and on-board perception systems.

Tech and automotive giants are constantly spending millions of dollars in new research to help self-driven cars incorporate new technology, motivated by the reality that AI powered cars are the future.

Here are 5 methods considered before a self-driving car decides to change lanes:


Street Smart

Autonomous cars can instantly break when an obstruction such as humans, animals and smaller motor vehicles suddenly move in front of the road. Onboard cameras allow the scanning of street areas around the vehicles, while a laser measures the amount of distance remaining between other cars. The reading from the radar calculates the speed of cars nearby and leaves plenty of space between the car and cyclists.


Deep Learning

Autonomous cars also use AI technology called deep learning, which aids AI in managing advanced tasks and mimicking the activities around the central system. Deep learning allows the car to respond to instances beyond the norm, for instance if a car has stalled during a green light, the self-driving car would recognize this and stop. Algorithms can also pick up signals like hazard lights.


Road Recognition

In order to call for a judgment on manoeuvring, self-driving cars use city specific knowledge by using data on busy roads, pedestrian areas and speed limits, helping the AI cars to make safe and smart choices before any manoeuvring.



Radar technology and camera sensors allow the self-driving car to evaluate the exact distance between other cars and objects. After safe and sufficient space is established by the self-driving car, the manoeuvre will be made.


Stationary Vehicles

Cars and delivery trucks parked along the curb is a frequent occurrence in urban environments. Self-driving cars use sensors to determine if vehicles that are parked partially on the road are stationary or about to move. The AI car instantly determines if it should stop and wait behind the vehicle or opt to go around the car leaving plenty of space to avoid any collision