The Augmate team recently came back from EWTS (the Enterprise Wearable Technology Summit) and it was an incredible event for us. We have participated in this show since its inception, and the event gets bigger each year. It’s clear the market is maturing. The event is high quality: from the venue to the attendees to the networking opportunities generated. We had a lot of visitors at our exhibitor space and we created exciting connections that we look forward to developing over the next few weeks.
For me, a highlight of the conference was having the opportunity to moderate a panel discussion on the “Connected Workforce.” When I think about wearables and the connected workforce, I think about how devices get provisioned and how policies are invoked so that Wi-Fi credentials and user authority is managed in a secure way. This has been our focus over the last three years with the Augmate Platform. We are not a traditional Mobile Device Management company.
We are a Wearables First and Mobile Friendly company as opposed to a Mobile First, Wearable Unfriendly company. I look forward to having more opportunities to showcase our technology and talk about what Augmate is doing to help foster the connected workforce.
We’ll definitely be back at EWTS next year.