IoT device security and management is no longer a concern for users, it is a critical risk to organizational stability and performance.
Technological solutions are increasing efficiencies and productivity across virtually all industries. As more and more sectors progress with industry 4.0 and the digitization of their practices, engaged parties are only increasing their reliance on smart networks and technologies for their daily operations. The performance of these machine and technological solutions, therefore, directly controls organizational stability and performance. The need for securing them in clearly paramount.
This digital-development has also created challenges in relation to machine-to-machine communications and standardized data exchange. Users are struggling to connect multiple, often competing systems into the same control and management networks, limiting their ability to manage and assess data, resulting in time-delays throughout re-strategizing and practice optimization.
How we help you
The Augmate Connect TM platform creates an efficient and secure environment for IT managers to control their fleets of devices. It builds a new, distributed ledger device layer using smart contracts and an agnostic infrastructure for interoperability across blockchain and blockchain-less networks. Essentially, the solution acts as a hyper-secure and efficient connective tissue for device and technology integration and management. Augmate Connect TM gives users real-time access to and management of their devices and data, without standard risks of compromise and incompatibility.
Core to the platform is our MATE™ token. You can read more about this here:
What’s Next?
With the IoT market in hyper-expansion for industry and consumers, our platform solution has come at the perfect time for users. Augmate Connect’s TM revolutionary utilization of blockchain and distributed ledger protocols will bring an unprecedented level of security and speed to ever-expanding device networks.
To find out more about the platform and our infrastructure, follow the link here: