2018 has been a wild ride for the world of blockchain. The industry began the year at the peak of an unsustainable bubble.

2018 has been a wild ride for the world of blockchain. The industry began the year at the peak of an unsustainable bubble.
Security token startup Securitize announced it has raised nearly $13 million in a Series A funding round
“Meet the Drapers” is the world’s first crowdfunding-based startup reality show which debuted with its first season last year.
PreSeries predictive algorithms crawl the web hungry for startup information. So far, almost 400k companies have been ruthlessly processed, scored, and ranked.
Earlier this year, more than 180 startups applied to be part of the Tour, and 40 of them were shortlisted to pitch in front of the juries of six major business and innovation centers…
Are you tired of hearing how ICOs are disrupting fundraising? The first five months of 2018 saw funds raised through token sales jump to $13.7 billion…
As token offerings spur closer regulatory scrutiny, blockchain startups turn increasingly to the certainty of shares
Accenture estimates the IIoT could add $14.2T to the economy by 2020. The global market for Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is projected to grow at a 7.3% CAGR through 2020. Source: Pete Wassell (Augmate): AR Smart Glasses and the Industrial IoT
Apple is building a new operating system to power a new augmented reality headset that may be ready for consumers by 2020, Bloomberg reported on Wednesday.
Many I&O leaders struggle to build a complete platform to support wearable devices in the enterprise. This research highlights innovative tools that go beyond hardware and address issues key to a successful enterprise wearable device strategy: content, device management, integration and security.