Investment towards smart cities could reach $135 billion by 2021, with these investments to make cities increasingly convenient, sustainable, and opportunistic. As smart cities continue to grow, artificial intelligence (AI) will be harnessed for big data such as sensors, IoT devices and networked video cameras deployed around smart cities.
The uses for AI within smart cities are endless. AI will be utilized for the management of traffic through understanding real-time traffic, processing the data at traffic junctions, and even turn traffic lights off and on intelligently. AI will enhance public safety and security by incorporating surveillance technology, monitoring the pattern of accidents and analyzing crime databases. Incorporating AI can also prevent overcrowding, creating systems that estimate the size of the crowd, predict behaviour and enable a quick response rate to accidents. AI will be vital for identifying areas that suffer from water logging, and help cities avoid road congestions after bad weather. It will allow cities to manage utilities and optimize their resources, such as energy and water.
If artificial intelligence is applied correctly, the technology could enhance the quality of life for citizens and plan for a seamless future built on sustainable, resilient infrastructure.