This is a view from our New York office. The hole reminds me of the business we are in. Many people just see the hole but in a couple of years, there will be the fabulous One Vanderbilt. It took years to even get to this hole. With Augmate, it took us years to get the foundations set for a rise in the industry toward wide spread adoption of wearables. But what some see as an endless pit, others see amazing opportunities to enhance worker effectiveness and efficiency.
Like One Vanderbilt, the industry is rising and by 2020, the building will stand tall and proud in NYC and all expectations are that IoT will be mainstream. As we build to the future, we need to look inside the glass and focus on the user experience. How we enhance the ability to work comfortably and effectively will be critical. What we learn and how we build collectively rises all.

Rendering courtesy of SL Green