
What Does 2018 Have In Store For Token Sales?

Token sales have exploded into the mainstream market over the last few years, leading to a massive growth in the crypto markets.


2017 was an astounding year for token sales, with more than 800 different cryptocurrencies available for buyers and the equivalent of $4 billion raised in the process. December even saw Bitcoin reach its peak value of $19,000, something that was unthinkable to many at the start of the year.

As we transition further into 2018, we explore what we have seen so far, and what to expect in what promises to be a monumental year for token sales.


Who’s Benefiting?

Corporate companies are capitalizing on the blockchain hype for the boost, and evidently they are succeeding.

Telegram and Kodak have disrupted the industry by launching their own cryptocurrencies. Kodak have seen shares rise 120 per cent since this announcement, and for Telegram, Silicon Valley venture capital firms are lining up to invest in their messaging app. This trend looks set to continue throughout 2018 with more and more businesses producing company tokens in an effort to get in on the action.

Even since 2017, token sales have become more mainstream and accessible. Because of this, we are starting to see transformations and adaptations to token sales in other industries, ranging from retail to logistics to medicine.


What have we seen?

Medicalchain raised $24m through a token sale on 1 February and are set to revolutionize the medical sector by allowing the industry to catch up with the data revolution. Their blockchain platform for medical records will allow secure, fast and transparent exchange of medical records by patients and doctors.

It is also expected that many central banks will begin to embrace blockchain and token sale markets, using their digital assets as a way of exchanging value on blockchain both securely and in real time. There could be a string of new products released in the near future as banks and institutional companies begin embracing the crypto market. These products will make it easier for larger sums of capital to flow into the system.


Increased Control?

Despite a projected prosperous year for token sales, increased regulatory scrutiny remains prevalent. This year could see authorities clamping down on fraudsters within the token sales space, with a larger demand for validation and transparency.


How We Fit Into This.

In line with the explosive year of token sales, the launch of our MATE token (Machine Access Token Exchange) allows anyone to participate in the rise of a global ecosystem of human and device connectivity, starting with the enterprise and quickly expanding to the consumer space.

To understand more about our MATE token, go to and SAFTLaunch. Click here.